There will always come a time when you need to scale your account... fast.
Whether it’s because your business is highly seasonal, or simply because you’re looking to make the most of a sitewide discount, you should always make sure you’re horizontally scaling smart, not hard
It’s very easy to be blinded by the most obvious ways to increase your ad spend…
Just increase your budgets, right?
Not necessarily.
Of course, you should look to incrementally increase the level of spend you have within strong-performing campaigns or ad sets, however, if you up the spend by too much you can have a significant negative impact on your ad performance!
But why?
If you dramatically increase the budget in a CBO campaign or ad set, Facebook will prioritise spending that budget over targeting the audience most in line with your objective. As Facebook will naturally look to optimise its targeting for those who are more likely to purchase (if that is your objective), then by drastically increasing your budget, this method will reduce how Facebook prioritises your budget leading to a lot of spend going towards people who might share in your audience's interests but has very different online purchase habits to those who you want to target.
So while it is important to increase the budgets where possible (and this is definitely the place to start), there are a number of ways to increase your accounts spend without heavily impacting results!
Here are the 3 top ways to scale your account in a short time without tanking results:
1. Duplicating Ad Sets or Campaigns
Quite simply, by doing this, you give your ads more budget to target those who are more likely to convert within each audience. As a result, you can very quickly double your budget without Facebook hastily wasting your spend on irrelevant traffic.
While these new Ad Sets or Campaigns may need to go back through the Learning Phase, they are still significantly more effective in targeting those with a much greater purchase intent.
2. Creating New Audiences
If ever there is a time to test, it’s when you’re looking to increase the volume of traffic going through to your website. Do extra research into your target audience, their demographics and interests to see if you can create new ways to reach your audience who may not simply be interested in your market space.
As a suggestion, here are some prompts for making new audiences:
- Primary interests - If you sell hammocks, targeting those who are interested in hammocks.
- Secondary interests - Instead of targeting hammocks, targeting those who are interested in relaxation techniques or even being outdoors.
- Purchase Intent Lookalikes - Make sure you’ve got variations of lookalikes for Purchasers, those who Add To Cart, Initiate Checkout and visit your website.
- Product Focused Lookalikes - Create a lookalike from those who have visited a specific page showing an increased interest in that particular line of products.
- Customer List Lookalikes - Your customer list allows you to tailor depending on top spenders, locations and more, so here’s your chance to create an audience to match!
While there are a number of other opportunities, we hope that helps prompt you a little!
3. Creating New Angles & Campaigns
Finally, you can look to scale simply through new tests that can be spread into new campaigns or ad sets to help you scale the traffic going towards your audiences.
Sometimes a new angle doesn’t have to relate to an event, but can simply focus on a product line, colour or style.
Don’t reinvent the wheel when you don’t have to!
In many cases, we’ve seen that this has actually improved the results of campaigns by focusing our efforts on what are clearly the top-selling products and focusing the budget towards those products which sell more frequently, have a higher value and generate higher CTRs (Click-Through-Rates).
"And That's It!"
These are three key ways that we use time and time again to dramatically increase the level of spend without blowing some serious cash on wasted audiences within the account!
Each option allows you to increase spend while reaching the highest quality audiences you can reach so that you get the most out of your FB budgets.
I hope that’s given you some food for thought and comes in use next time you’re working to scale your account without seriously reducing performance!If you need any help, advice or a quick look into your account, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by dropping a comment below or using the Contact Us page.